Common Disability Claim Questions
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Andrea Pecora & Associates Provides Expert Answers
Andrea Pecora & Associates answers common disability claim questions in West Virginia and nation wide. Generally, a person who is disabled and cannot work due to his or her impairment is eligible for social security disability. However, more often than not, Social Security denies benefits, forcing the claimant to appeal. SSA denies benefits for various reasons, including the claimant missing paperwork, incorrectly completing documents, or committing other errors due to not understanding the process. While cases of Social Security Disability can differ, there are some common questions many may have when filing. Some of these questions include:

How Long Do I Have to File a SSD Claim?
As long as Social Security considers a person eligible to receive benefits, they can file a social security disability claim anytime. The Social Security Administration standardized eligibility. Generally, if the claimant suffers from a physical or mental impairment lasting longer than 12 months that prevents them from acquiring a substantial income, they are eligible for Social Security Disability or Supplemental Security Income.
Who Determines Whether I am Disabled?
The Social Security Administration, or SSA, determines if an applicant is qualified to receive social security disability. Social Security Disability is available for those who have a disability or condition severe enough to prevent them from working for a livable wage. The SSA requires certain medical documentation from licensed professionals to prove your eligibility, so contact Andrea Pecora & Associates as soon as possible.
What Does the Social Security Administration Consider Disabled?”
What does Social Security consider a disability? If the claimant’s mental or physical state does not allow them to earn a livable wage, they may be eligible for social security disability or SSI. The condition must have existed, or be expected to exist, for at least one year according to a medical professional. The SSA may take other factors into consideration, such as the claimant’s previous level of ability required to adequately perform your occupational duties compared with your current abilities.
How Do I Apply for SSD or SSI?
Contacting the experts at Andrea Pecora & Associates is the best first step somebody can take when deciding to apply for social security disability or SSI benefits. Once a person decides to apply for disability benefits, they will need to complete all the paperwork required by the Social Security Administration and begin gathering all the medical records, lab tests and other documentation that will back up their claim of disability. The claimant will also need to present work records that establish work history and inability to perform needed tasks in these areas of work due to impairment.
How Long Do I Have to Wait for A Decision?
There is no specific timeframe to expect a decision about social security disability benefits. The approval process can take 90 days or more. Varying degrees of disability, different work loads of caseworkers, and disparate amounts of research can make the process longer or shorter.
What is Disability Determination Services?
The Disability Determination Services agency receives and processes claims for social security disability and SSI benefits. As a part of the State Department of Rehabilitation Services, it is the first level of decision making in terms of benefit approval or denial.
What Information is Used to Approve or Deny My SSD Claim?
Social Security will use medical and occupational information to determine a person’s eligibility for social security disability or SSI benefits. The professionals at Andrea Pecora & Associates can determine the most important documentation.
Can I Work While on Social Security Disability?
While a beneficiary can work while applying for and even receiving social security disability, he or she may not earn more than the Substantial Gainful Amount. The SGA changes periodically, but Social Security will deny a person any disability benefits if they earning more than this amount.
Contact Andrea Pecora & Associates
for Information About SSD
Many aspects of Social Security Disability can be confusing or unclear. Andrea Pecora & Associates based in Clarksburg, WV, offers the most complete guidance and expertise when it comes to social security disability. If you have any questions or concerns when filing for Social Security Disability, appealing the denial of benefits, and more, call our office today at (855) 224-2244 or (304) 622-1919, or contact us online. We are always more than happy to help!
Andrea Pecora & Associates answers disability claim questions Located in West Virginia and Serving Nation Wide.